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Characteristics of a Good City
04 April 2022 - by Admin

To be a comfortable city, a city needs an excellent regional spatial plan. But many people still do not know the benefits and functions of urban planning itself. This article will discuss some of the benefits and benchmarks of a good city.


Benefits of regional spatial planning
There are several benefits of regional spatial planning that we can consider, namely:

1. Realizing integrated development within the city

2. Realizing the harmony of city development with the surrounding area

3. Ensure the realization of quality urban spatial planning.


Characteristics of a good city
In the discipline of urban design, there are at least four benchmarks of a good city as described by Ir. Ikaputra M.Eng., Ph.D., an expert on urban planning and the environment, namely:


1. The city must be able to function correctly. This means that spatial use must function optimally.
2. The city must have circulation so that its inhabitants can move from one place to another properly. One of the indicators is public transportation. If public transportation is terrible, the city cannot be judged as good.
3. City space must be developed based on building arrangement. If the building arrangement is wrong, the city cannot be categorized as a good city.
4. Other utilities outside of circulation/transportation, such as drainage and sanitation, must work optimally.


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Jakarta and other cities worldwide also face the same drainage and sanitation challenges. Apart from extreme weather reasons, it turns out that the most common problem faced by many cities in Indonesia related to drainage is that the capacity of the city's drainage utilities is not able to accommodate the flow of water because the city's spatial planning is not well designed.
Therefore, in building a city, good planning is needed. The following are the principles of urban planning, as quoted from


1. Support sustainable urban development
2. Integrated with all aspects of the city, such as transportation, public advice, disaster mitigation, etc.
3. Integrated with cost planning.
4. Involve partners and stakeholders.
5. In accordance with the principles of zoning and housing.
6. Support market response to the region.
7. Support access to the area.
8. Develop appropriate supporting facilities.
9. Siding with low economic groups and the public interest.
10. Pay attention to cultural diversity.


Those are some of the requirements for a good and comfortable city plan. If you are looking for an independent city that meets the requirements above, Tangerang New Industry City is the right example.

TNIC is a city that continues to develop with the concept of Transit Oriented Development and is equipped with world-class facilities that are always open for those who intend to invest in Tangerang.

Tangerang New Industry City
Business Service Center
Wanakerta, Sindang Jaya
Tangerang 15560, Banten
exit toll Cikupa km. 31
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A city that connects and grows together with its society.