The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), said that the net zero emission scenario in Indonesia is optimally achieved in 2060. A gradual reduction in energy intensity or energy efficiency from 1 percent to 6 percent will occur in 2030. Development of new energy renewables (EBT) to close to 100 percent in 2060. The transition to electric vehicles is up to 95 percent of the total vehicles used in 2055. Energy subsidies, both fuel, gas and electricity will be removed completely in 2030. The use of coal is also expected to decrease to zero in 2060 in all sectors.
The Ministry of Industry's effort to achieve Net Zero Emissions in 2060 is to prepare an energy transition process that supports the green industry. From an energy transition perspective, to achieve its clean energy ambitions and climate change targets, Indonesia can increase financing and investment in clean energy and support sustainable economic recovery.